Love vs. Fear
Love vs. Fear
Sudden Change
Fear of Unknown
Information, misinformation, opinions,
Theories, anecdotes, resources
Immunization, immunity, vulnerable groups, research
Infection numbers, death numbers, analysis, projections
Politics, communication, miscommunication, trust, distrust, theories
Brainwash from all sides, extreme-end of the spectrum opinions
People making money, people losing money, jobs, friends, family members
People dealing with different issues
Detox Protocols
Chat Groups
Zoom Birthdays
Taking It All In
Shutting It All Out
Peace, faith, prayer, and love
Stay positive I tell myself
You are in the business of survival
You can do this too
Go inside yourself and stay still
Trust the God
The worst of all fears is the fear itself*
I repeated it many times to anyone who asked me
how to handle what was happening around us
We need to help each other,
Inquire, listen and understand each other,
Love each other, not fear each other
Respect each other’s opinions, feelings, choices
We need to stay united, understanding, and forgiving
We are in this together, really, why people can’t see this?
I’ve seen other scenarios playing out only a few decades ago
When political division caused irreversible damage to the entire country
and forced us out to immigrate all over the world, with a piece of our heart left behind forever
Fear vs. Love, is the choice that simple?
Finally, fast forward to Jan 22
I got a Positive PCR test
And a full-blown infection
There it was, INDEED…
And there was no fear,
Just acknowledgment of what it was, even relief
I let my body heal as I moved out of the way
There was no fear, just love, and faith
Thank You, God, Again
* We Have Nothing to Fear Except Fear Itself’ – Franklin D. Roosevelt