Wellness Journeys
“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” ― Unknown
I love airports, especially on my travel departure day, going just about anywhere. Airports give me a feeling of “butterflies” in my stomach, after checking in and passing security, getting a coffee, and finding a spot to wait for my flight, I am as happy as a clam. I love looking around, people watching, wondering where they are going, what their stories are. The excitement of a new journey, discovery of a new city, country, culture, music, food as well as meeting new people. It is simply mesmerizing to me.
JoyLab – Dance with Marina & Tanya
Welcome to JoyLab dance classes!
Wellness Retreats
For an impactful wellness experience, to prevent or treat a health opportunity such as fatigue, a chronic condition, or to detoxify, we may want to spend time at a wellness retreat. The retreat may be for days or weeks at a time, where we can detoxify our body, mind, and spirit. It may be a place where a raw vegan plant-based diet and vegan cold-pressed juices are served.
What Is Wellness Travel?
What Is Wellness Travel? The Global Wellness Institute defines wellness as the active pursuit of activities, choices and lifestyles that lead to a state of holistic health. They say that wellness is associated with an active process of being aware and making choices...
Why Wellness Travel?
Why Wellness Travel? How do you feel after your typical vacation? Do you feel rejuvenated physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? Or do you sometimes come back from a vacation and feel even more exhausted and stressed out, and shortly after, you forget you...
Following Your Instinct, Spain
I have always been an avid global traveler with the last five years shifting my focus to wellness travel as an important part of my healing journey. I simply wanted more from my travel; a good old all-inclusive resort would not do it for me anymore. I wanted something more, to experience body, mind, and spirit rejuvenation, meet new like-minded people, eat and drink healthy and be inspired.