My Girls
I wanted you to know no pain
No tears, no suffering
I wanted to protect you
I worked very hard on presenting the positives only
It worked, sometimes
Day after day, night after night
I repeatedly convinced you everything is good
Or so I thought
But the experience took its toll on you
On all of us, on your loving dad, my rock
But you managed through the storm
Strong and beautiful
Successful and trustworthy
Independent and fearless
Bruised but more resilient
Braver and more grateful
I want to be a role model for you
I want you to be role models for others
You can conquer and survive anything
My love for you is up to the moon and back
Even when we fight about small things
My love for you is boundless
The Blessed and Unstoppable is for you and your Dad
Continue to trust in God
God is Love
Love Loves You
All is well